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The IEEE Presidents' Change the World competition registration is now CLOSED for 2018.
See the official rules for more details.
The IEEE Presidents’ Change the World Competition recognizes students who develop unique solutions to real-world problems using engineering, science, computing and leadership skills to benefit their community, the world at large, or both. The contest offers students the perfect opportunity to have their ingenuity and enthusiasm for engineering and technology recognized by IEEE members around the globe. IEEE is proud to salute the winners of this prestigious competition.
Winners of the top prize will also be invited to accept their awards in-person at the IEEE Honors Ceremony in San Francisco, CA every August.
The grand prize of $US10,000 and the distinction of being named "IEEE Student Humanitarian Supreme".
Past winners were invited to receive their awards and grants on stage at the past IEEE Honors Ceremony in Montreal, Canada.
The previous grand prize of $US10,000 and the distinction of being named "IEEE Student Humanitarian Supreme" went to e.quinox